I've got a bit of a dilemma. It's a nice dilemma to have, and I know which way I'm leaning, but someone may tell me I'm being a fool. They're wrong, but it's not quite as clear-cut as I thought it would be.
First things first: I love Manchester, and one of the things I love about Manchester is the Manchester International Festival. It's two weeks of new and interesting art and culture, and even when a show doesn't work, as with Damon Albarn's Wonder.land a couple of years ago, it's still something that makes me proud to be a part of the city.
When tickets for MIF17 went on sale, I immediately went and spent an unholy amount on them. I've crammed all the things I'm going to go to see into the second week of the Festival, because during the first week, I'll be in France. This is at the invitation of one of my closest friends and her family; she lives in Australia now, so I only get to see her (and them) every couple of years. So the final few days of June and the first few days of July are going to be packed, but great. I'm really, really looking forward to them.