
So. Syria, then.

I don't know.

They're going to hold a vote in Parliament about whether to begin air strikes against ISIS targets in Syria.

Everyone seems to have an opinion on this.  Lots of people think that it's a good thing.  Lots of people seem to think that it's a bad thing.

I suppose that I'm expected to have a view in some way.  Workings of democracy, and all that nonsense.  Need to be engaged.  Important to take a stand.

It's hard to take a stand.

I don't know.

Dropping bombs on ISIS will make us de facto allies of President Assad, at least for the short term.  President Assad is deeply unpleasant.  We probably don't want to be allies with him.

BUT...  President Assad is, whatever else he may be, an astute politician.  He wants power, or survival if power's not available; not martyrdom.  He is at least on nodding terms with secularism; he isn't fighting a holy war.  His war is one of politics.  That makes him, at least on paper, the kind of person with whom negotiations are possible, and who will be concerned about when the game's up.

Maybe we should offer him a secure and peaceful retirement in London.  "When this is over, Bashar, just fuck off from Damascus, eh?  We'll make sure you're personally fine.  That's a price worth paying.  Just go quietly.  Good chap.  London suit you?  Geneva?  Moscow?  Tehran?  Your choice.  Just never go back to Syria.  Deal?"

ISIS are not, as far as I can see, in the slightest bit concerned about when the games up.  They'll think that surviving is a victory.  They'll think that being killed is a victory.

Assad might well be much the better of two evils.

The gratuitous sadism, and the cultural vandalism of ISIS are plenty of evidence for that to be the case.


I don't know if dropping bombs on ISIS will work.  I'm inclined to think that it won't.

I don't know if refraining from dropping bombs on ISIS will work.  I'm inclined to think that it won't.

The kicker: I don't know what "working" would be anyway.

I can't be the only one who doesn't know this stuff.

There's a lot of coverage in the news who are certain one way or the other.

There's not so much of those who genuinely have no idea.  I think that there's a lot of us, though.

I don't even know if the certain people should be less certain.

I don't know where to begin.

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